There are two main ways of selling your programmes and football memorabilia.
You may contact a dealer who will quote a price for your entire stock, if he is interested in purchasing. The dealer will purchase
the items at a significant discount to their retail value, as he has to make his profit.
Alternatively, you may wish to
maximise your return and sell the programmes yourself and nowadays this is usually done via eBay.
Exceptionally, PM Publications
may offer to sell these programmes, individually, on your behalf. Cheques would be made payable to yourself by the buyers, and PM
Publications would charge a percentage as a management fee, for which it would handle all programmes and correspondence. This arrangement
would only apply where the items you have are particularly rare or old (pre 1960). If you wish to explore this possibility,
please contact John Litster on 01603 449237
Advice on how much you may expect to realise for certain categories of programmes is available
in the 36-page booklet
A QUICK GUIDE TO PROGRAMME PRICES. For more details of this publication, click here
Advice on the process
of buying, bidding and selling programmes is contained in the 32 page booklet COLLECTING FOOTBALL PROGRAMMES: An introduction to a
great hobby. For more details of this publication, click here; Amateur Cup Finals, FA Charity Shield, European Champions
Finals; European Cup Finals and semi finals; European Cup Winners Cup Finals and semi